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Music Ensembles
Music Ministries

Director Mark Twehues and Associate Director Stephanie Price glorify God through sacred music ensembles for worship and special events. Contact the office for information about joining our musicians. Contemporary Director Tobias Green leads our contemporary service of praise singers and musicians. Options to participate:

Chancel Choir - adult singers meet Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm for rehearsals. Anthems, offertories and special selections are offered in worship every Sunday morning. All experience levels welcome.

Adult Handbell Choir - adult ringers meet Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm for rehearsals. Handbells offer selections in worship about once per month. Beginners and experienced ringers welcome.

Soloists - singers audition for special pieces offered throughout the year.

Musicians - opportunities to play in our orchestra and for special moments in worship are vetted by auditions.

Praise Singers - 9:00 am contemporary vocalists try out at a weekly rehearsal, all experience levels welcome.

Contemporary musicians - 9:00 am contemporary praise team, tryouts weekly.